Do you have questions about marriage coaching, the results you can expect, or our process/policies? Don’t worry we have that covered too. You can find the answers below in our Frequently Asked Questions list.

Questions About Virtual Marriage & Relationship Coaching
What is Virtual Coaching?
Virtual Coaching means you and your Coach will meet by Zoom or Skype for your coaching sessions. You can get coaching from anywhere! It doesn’t matter if you’re travelling or if you only have an hour to spare; you can still benefit from virtual coaching. No fancy technology is needed. Call your Coach at the designated time, and you’re on your way!
Why should we work with you instead of another coach?
Let’s start here: The coaching profession is almost entirely unregulated. Many individuals hang a shingle as a “coach” without a license, certification, training, or preparation of any kind.
As one well-known ‘coach’ answered when recently asked how she entered the profession: “I was a personal trainer and people told me about their problems and I started ‘feeling the coaching’ and then I did it. “That’s not me (Coach Tony) or my wife Coach Moore.
We have dedicated our professional careers to this work. Here are just a few ways we stand above and apart from many who call themselves “coaches.”
- First, we have completed a comprehensive and intensive training program in order to earn a professional coaching certification. This program required an in-person masterclass, self-study, written essays and exercises (which were reviewed by a mentor coach), and supervision of our work as coaches for 12-18 months.
- Second, we have been married for 29 years; we also have a blended family with 4 children and 9 grandchildren. Coach Tony is a Licensed Minister and has a natural passion for helping your partner become a leader and understand their role in the family.
- Third, I obtained a graduate degree in my field. The combination of my training, education, credentials and experience has led to a deep understanding of what truly motivates couples and allows them to realize the marriage of their dreams.
- Fourth, we are a Licensed SYMBIS Facilitators and Gottman Leaders for The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work.
What is the difference between marriage coaching and marriage counseling?
Marriage counseling and marriage coaching are two distinct approaches. Both can be valuable, but choosing the right one for your unique situation and relationship goals is vital to your success.
The bottom line is:
- Counseling/therapy focuses on healing the past while
- Coaching helps clients to build their futures.
We already have a therapist but think coaching would also be helpful. What do you suggest?
We typically recommend either coaching or counseling, but there are certainly instances where it is beneficial to add coaching to your therapy regime.
It’s critical to ensure that these dual approaches are not in conflict, so simply share your situation with us and we will discuss the best way forward.
What will be expected of us between sessions?
To support positive change, you will generally be given “lovework” assignments at each session.
These are not “pass or fail” tasks, but they ARE crucial to your future success. You may be asked to work on them – individually or as a couple – and report on your progress at our next team meeting.
How long does marriage coaching last?
The length and frequency of coaching differ widely depending on your situation, objectives, availability, and commitment. Many of our couples only need 3 to 6 sessions to make substantial progress, and some completely reach their goals in 90-180 days. Either way, it is VICTORY!
However, just like your relationship, this is not a race – we focus on the journey. It’s a new commitment to working toward a partnership characterized by love, mutual support, and happiness as a couple, whatever that takes.
When you both have your eyes on that ultimate goal, you’ll get there much faster than you think.
What happens during our first appointment?
Coaching works best when there’s a great fit between you and your coach. That’s why during our first meeting, we will share our approach and answer any questions or concerns you may have and get to know you.
We will get a high-level view of your relationship and what you would like to achieve. Keep in mind that we will begin working on these goals during this initial meeting. The real work starts with your first coaching session!
How will we know if marriage coaching or marriage counseling will work best for our relationship?
We pride ourselves on honesty and will share our thoughts and recommendations openly. We may feel coaching is a good fit or suggest that you follow up with another type of professional. So, let’s talk!
I see references to church and Bible verses. What if I am not a Christian or religious?
We value all individuals, regardless of their beliefs. We are transparent about our faith because it is central to our own marriage and some couples search specifically for a coach who shares their spiritual worldview and value system. However, we work with clients of all religions as well as those who do not claim a personal faith.
We do believe one’s spiritual beliefs are foundational to relational choices and life decisions. Though there are exceptions, we generally take the view that marriage is a life-long commitment based on Biblical teaching that marriage is a covenant made between a husband, a wife, and God.
If you desire the inclusion of prayer or scripture in our work together, we welcome this; however, these practices are not a routine part of our approach and are not used if they are unwelcome or unhelpful. Our aim is to encourage you to evaluate your own priorities and then begin to make decisions and commitments based on those values.
Results You Can Expect
What results can I/we expect from relationship/marriage coaching?
While healthy relationships have some things in common, every one is different and has its special story, strengths, and challenges.
As such, your own path of healing and growth will also be unique. We do not use a one-step solution that fits all couples – your strategy is customized specifically for you NOT another couple!
If you are committed to and focused on your coaching plan, you should see incremental (or maybe even significant) improvement in the areas we are working on. But don’t take it from us.
Another way of predicting a positive outcome would be to consult our previous clients. Their feedback is inspiring!
We’re not married yet but are having issues (or need premarital counseling). Can you help?
One of our FAVORITE things is to work with engaged or “pre-committed” couples who are still able to create the conditions and habits necessary to sustain a life-long and happy marriage!
In addition to the 1:1 sessions we offer, you may also wish to check out our Premarital Coaching Package or Contact us to inquire about when the on-demand version will go live. We’ve heard that this small investment couples make ahead of their wedding is worth its weight in GOLD (and much more effective than the traditional premarital counseling usually received).
Our situation is unique (e.g., second marriage, blended family, already separated, etc.). Can you still help us?
You may think that your situation is vastly different from others, but odds are that we’ve helped many couples with a similar story. There’s no such thing as a lost cause, and every marriage (even ours) can be improved!
We look forward to learning your “before” story and working with you to create your “happily ever after” story.
Our Process & Policies
Can we work with you by phone, email, or video chat?
You will experience the best results by choosing to meet in the way you BOTH feel most comfortable when you go to our scheduling page, “Online” (virtual) options.
We also offer coaching via telephone and e-mail. If you would like to take advantage of e-mail or telephone coaching on an as-needed basis, simply contact us, and we will explore your needs.
Laura and I co-facilitate all coaching intensive and marriage retreat weekends in person, and the available dates for these can also be found on the events page.
Can I/we meet with Coach Tony—or both of you?
Yes! We understand that you may prefer to meet with a woman, man, or another married couple. That’s one advantage when working with Marriage Means Moore. We offer BOTH!
If you have preferences related to individual/couples coaching – – and would like to meet with Coach Moore or with both of us – – simply Contact us and we will make the necessary arrangements if possible.
Please note that all coaching prices shown reflect sessions with me (Laura) only. Prices are subject to change if Coach Tony joins sessions at your request.
How do I make, reschedule, or cancel an appointment?
For your convenience, we use an online scheduling system that permits you to make, reschedule, or cancel appointments easily.
What are your payment and cancellation policies?
Your time is valuable, and we will always respect it. Our time is equally valuable, so we’ve tried to create payment and cancellation policies that are fair and yet discourage the type of “no-shows” and late cancellations that make it difficult to run a business. (Keep in mind that a “no-show” is defined as being more than 10 minutes late for a scheduled session without notice).
Here is a summary of our payment and cancellation policies:
Regular appointments, such as those reserved for coaching, require pre-payment in full and must be cancelled more than 48 hours in advance to avoid a cancellation fee.
- If cancelled between 24 and 48 hours prior to the appointment, an amount equal to 50% of the normal rate will be charged/retained.
- Appointments cancelled within 24 hours prior to the appointment will be charged the full rate (100%), as well as “no-shows” (being absent without notice or more than 10 minutes late).
Customized events such as coaching intensives and retreats typically require advanced registration (e.g., up to 14 days prior) due to quotas, planning, and up-front deposits. They must be cancelled at least 10 days prior to avoid a cancellation fee.
- In some cases, a percentage of the total cost will be required or credit card information will be requested and put on “hold” to reserve a slot for the class or event. Typically, cancelling within 10 days will result in a 50% cancellation fee, and cancelling within 3 days will result in a cancellation fee equal to 100% of the reservation.
Exceptions to the above will be made at our sole discretion. We appreciate your understanding.
Please understand that we’ve had to adopt this policy to discourage repeat rescheduling and losing clients who want to work with us. Kindly ensure that you are comfortable with our Terms and Conditions before scheduling a service with us.
Can I meet with you alone, without my significant other?
Absolutely! While “it takes two to tango”, only ONE person is needed to alter relationship patterns.
That said, we’ve discovered that the greatest relationship improvements occur when a couple works together to achieve their goals. By working as a couple, you not only strengthen your partnership but increase the chance that you’re on the same page at the end of the process.
You may also start coaching alone and invite your partner to join us later. This approach can also be very effective, particularly when you know you would benefit from individual work before broadening your focus to include your spouse.
Will our communication be private & confidential?
Your total and complete privacy is of the utmost importance to us and all information related to our work together will be regarded as strictly confidential unless required by law.
We do not sell, rent, or otherwise disclose client information to third parties in any way other than what is required to support third-party processing (such as through scheduling or e-mail systems).
Can we book evening or weekend appointments?
Absolutely, we understand our clients have work schedules and we work around your schedules we have appointments as late as 8:00 pm on weekends.
What are the benefits of paying for coaching sessions out-of-pocket? Do you accept insurance?
If you’ve received marriage counseling in the past, you may have gone through your insurance network to do it. This means your insurance company considered this intervention medically necessary on the basis of your therapist’s diagnosis of illness or pathology (via ICD or CPT codes) and that your treatment history is now part of your permanent medical record.
One reason many couples prefer coaching vs. counseling is that their work with us is confidential and doesn’t become part of their permanent medical record and will never adversely impact their health coverage, life insurance, or employment.
With coaching, you are 100% in control. You select WHO you work with, WHAT you focus on, and HOW LONG you receive support without worrying about co-pays, deductibles, networks, or restrictions.
We hope all your questions have now been answered! If not, feel free to submit them to us here. We read every note personally and make every effort to respond within 1 business day.